Friday, May 20, 2011

गायत्री मन्त्र : 'Gayatri Mantra'

ओ३म्‌ भूर्भुवः स्वः। तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि। धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात्‌ ॥

-यजु. ३६.३

अर्थ -

हे मनुष्यो ! जैसे हम लोग

भूः- कर्मकाण्ड की विद्या,

भुवः- उपासना काण्ड की विद्या और,

स्वः- ज्ञानकाण्ड की विद्या को संग्रहपूर्वक पढ़के,

यः- जो,

नः- हमारी,

धियः- धारणावती बुद्धियों को,

प्रचोदयात्‌- प्रेरणा करे उस,

देवस्य- कामना के योग्य,

सवितुः- समस्त ऐश्वर्य के देनेवाले परमेश्वर के,

तत्‌- उस इन्द्रियों से न ग्रहण करने योग्य परोक्ष,

वरेण्यम्‌- स्वीकार करने योग्य,

भर्गः- सब दुःखों के नाशक तेजः स्वरूप का,

धीमहि- ध्यान करें वैसे तुम लोग भी इसका ध्यान करो।

-( स्वामी दयानन्द सरस्वती जी के वेदभाष्य स)



* Sun (Savita) is the power center of Gayatri mantra.

What is Savita? What is PRAN?

* One atom of Pran is capable of holding 4845 tons of weight.

According to Prof. Alishagrgy, Pran travels 4,000 to 80,000 billion miles per second.

* Transmission of Pran by Gayatri

Three functions of Pran

It has 3 main colors - Red, Yellow, and Blue. Four additional colors: purple, sky, orange, and green.

Seven planets and seven colors

Relationship of physical body and colors.

* Recitation of Gayatri Mantra attracts only PRAN and in the largest amounts

* Establishes a link between yourself and the power that governs the whole universe.

* Works at a high potency injection.

* Awakening of 24 energy centers, producing 24 benefits.

* True Kundalini Power (serpent power) awakened.

* Speciality: Charges brain beyond 17%.

* Mind antenna picks up highest level of thinking from the reservor in subtle world.

* It is scientific, practical, and antibiotic in nature.

* It is the most powerfull spiritual technology.

* Minimum efforts, maximum benefits.

* Kills three miseries: Stress, addictions, and self-centeredness. Produces four properties: financial, physical, mental, and spiritual.

* When Gayatrii comes in life person thinks divine, acts divine and behaves divine.

* All Vedic scriptures of India are simply interpretation of this Crown Mantra.

* Smallest scripture of the world.

* It is "One in all,all in one".

* It is also called "Guru Mantra".

* Divine sonic tool which holds the keys to all crisis in life.

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